Special eBook Presentation


by Napoleon Hill (and others)

Of all of his works, none have ever matched his landmark The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons. First published in 1928, these sixteen lessons became the world's first comprehensive philosophy of personal achievement.

The Law of Success In Sixteen Lessons course by Naploeon Hill (who wrote the world's biggest selling personal development book - Think & Grow Rich) is in SIXTEEN separate ebooks totalling over 1000 pages!.

Napoleon Hill designed and created The Law of Success as a study program consisting of 16 lessons.  It wasn't designed to just be read -- like a book.  It was meant to be studied and acted on -- like a course -- a course in success.

Introduction to the course by Napoleon Hill,  Lesson 1 - The Master Mind,  Lesson 2 - A Definite Chief Aim,  Lesson 3 - Self Confidence, Lesson 4 - The Habit of Saving, Lesson 5 - Initiative and Leadership, Lesson 6 - Imagination, Lesson 7 - Enthusiasm, Lesson 8 - Self-Control, Lesson 9 - Habit of Doing More Than Paid For, Lesson 10 - Pleasing Personality, Lesson 11 - Accurate Thought, Lesson 12 - Concentration, Lesson 13 - Co-operation, Lesson 14 - Failure, Lesson 15 - Tolerance, Lesson 16 - The Golden Rule.

To that end, enterprising students of success will appreciate the ability to print out the lessons separately, and place them in notebooks so they can mark them up and journal their thoughts and results over the months and years ahead.

We are including in this package the original, unabridged version of Napoleon Hill's all-time best seller, Think and Grow Rich, Charles Haanel's The Master Key System, Wallace Wattles' The Science of Getting Rich, F.W. Sears' How To Attract Success, Orison Swett Marden's Peace Power, and Plenty, and Julia Seton's The Science of Success.

This package is a comprehensive course in self-development from some of the best teachers in this field that have ever lived. These combined eBooks could cost you upto $100 if purchased elsewhere on the internet, but now you can buy the complete set direct from the publishers for a special low price:

22 eBooks in total for just $39.95!

also available by itself:

  "The Law of Success" (16 eBook set) by Napoleon Hill

If you loved Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" you will love his first masterpiece "The Law of Success in Sixteen lessons". This is Hill's first work and contains the life changing philosophy upon which "Think and Grow Rich" and most modern motivational books are based.

Order in Adobe PDF eBook or printed form for $24.95 (+ printing charge)

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